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Debugging a Fleet as Easily as an Individual Box

Underneath the covers, the underpinning technology is a lot like a parallel SQL database.

Shoreline makes debugging a fleet as easy as an individual box in real-time.

Here’s how:

We use per-second real-time data to join queries on:

  • resources,
  • metrics, and
  • running Linux commands.

Underneath the covers, the underpinning technology is a lot like a parallel SQL database.

Here’s what we do:

  • Look at the real-time view of resources.
  • Filter it by your tags (Kubernetes or cloud provider tags).
  • Go to those nodes on the individual boxes.
  • Query the metrics on them.
  • Use that as a filter or a returned value.
  • If it's a filter, we then run the Linux commands against those.

All of this happens in parallel.

You tell us what to do, and we figure out how to do it in the most efficient way possible.

Suppose I wanted the top processes on nodes with high CPU in the shopping cart of my service.

I just need to type: “host | app = shopping | CPU (greater than sign) 80% | top”

That's the same thing I type if I were just running it on a single node or 1,000 nodes. And it runs at about the same time.

That's how we help you manage the challenges of a growing fleet by doing all of the heavy lifting around distributed execution, partial failures, and slow responses.