
High Request Duration on CoreDNS

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This incident type refers to an alert triggered due to high request duration on CoreDNS, which is a DNS server that translates domain names to IP addresses. The alert indicates that the request duration process for CoreDNS is high, meaning that it is taking longer than expected to process DNS requests. This can cause delays or failures in the resolution of domain names, leading to potential service disruptions or outages.



Get the name(s) of the pod(s) running CoreDNS

Check the logs of the CoreDNS pod(s) for errors

Check the CPU and memory usage of the CoreDNS pod(s)

Check the status of the container(s) in the CoreDNS pod(s)

Check the network latency between the CoreDNS pod(s) and other pods/services


Scale the CoreDNS deployment to handle the increased load.

Update resources limits for CoreDNS deployment to handle the increased load.

Increase the resources allocated to the affected system to handle the increased load.

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