The Container killed incident occurs when a container is terminated unexpectedly or killed due to various reasons such as insufficient resources, hardware issues, or software bugs. This incident can lead to service disruption or outage, impacting the availability and performance of the application or system running in the container. The incident requires immediate investigation and resolution to restore the service to its normal state.
Check if the container is running
Check the logs of the container
Check the status of the container
Check the events related to the pod
Check the resource usage of the container
Check the Kubernetes events related to the node
Check the Kubernetes node status
Resource constraints: The underlying host may have run out of resources like memory or CPU, causing the container to be killed.
Configuration errors: Incorrect configuration of the container or underlying software can cause issues that lead to it being killed.
Check the container logs to identify the cause of the container being killed. This may help identify if there is an issue with resource allocation or any other configuration issue.
Increase the resource allocation for the container or the host machine if the issue is related
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