Traffic Routing to Blue Group Post-Deployment ECS Fargate BlueGreen Deployment Issues
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Blue/Green deployment is a technique used in software deployment where two identical environments are created for production deployment, allowing for a seamless switch between them. This incident type involves troubleshooting issues related to blue/green deployments for services hosted on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Fargate. The issue reported is that traffic is still routed to the blue target group after a successful deployment. The incident description suggests that the problem could be with the ELB listeners being configured with the wrong traffic type. Troubleshooting this issue involves ensuring that the correct protocol and port are specified for the primary ELB listener.
Describe the specified cluster to confirm its status and resources
List all services in your ECS cluster
Describe the specified ECS service to check if it's running
Check the task definition of the service to confirm that it's using the correct image version
Check the CodeDeploy deployment status to see if it's completed successfully
Check the ELB listeners to confirm that the correct protocol and port are specified
Verify that your AWS CodeDeploy deployment configuration is set up correctly. Ensure that you have specified the correct target group for your blue and green deployments.
Learn more
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